Publications and factsheets can be downloaded here. Some are available in hard copy from our Grafton office.
Weed Identification and Management
Habitat Restoration and Farmland Management
Orara River Rehabilitation Project Landholders Booklet
Trees For Cane Farms
How to improve native vegetation on cane farms.
Brolga Breeding Habitat
A guide to managing wetlands on your farm.
Ten Ways to Improve Natural Assets on Farms
The Ground Storey
Fallen logs, branches, sticks and leaves for wildlife, property and landscape health.
A Practical Guide to Riverbank Management for Landholders
Native vegetation, weeds, flood debris, stock management and threatened species.
Gully Erosion Assessment and Control Guide
Revegetating Streams in the Clarence Catchment
A guide to pecies and planting methods.
Freshwater Fish of the CLarence
A guide to the freshwater fish of the Clarence Catchment.
The History of Clarence Landcare
The history of the first 25 years of Clarence Landcare.